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Márcia de Sousa
Curator and Diretor of MUDAS.Museum od Contemporary Art of Madeira
Funchal , Portugal
Graduated in visual arts, specialized in painting, scientific flied, post-graduate in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, with a Master’s degree in Visual Arts Teaching. Nowadays is a PhD candidate of Museology studies at Lusófona University and a associate researcher at CeiED.
Is the curator and the director of the MUDAS.Museum of de Contemporary Art of Madeira, since 2017, institution which she coordinated since November 2016.
Works since 2005 in museology field as a senior technician, coordinator of the pedagogical, conservation and inventory departments of Museum of contemporary Art of Funchal, current (MUDAS.Museum). Collaborates technically in the preparation of the projects presented at the Museum since 2005. Has collaborated and given technical support to numerous exhibitions of the mentioned institution and has also been responsible for the curatorship of some of those projects.
Often participates as a lecturer in conferences and seminars related to the visual arts and arts teaching field.