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Sílvia Simões
Artista Plástica
Porto, Portugal
Silvia Simões was born in Porto, 1974. Teacher on Organic Subunit of Drawing, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto. HIGHER EDUCATION 2013- PhD from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Porto with the title: "Perspetivas do Ensino Artístico Face aos Desafios da Tecnologia Digital. O ensino do desenho: do atelier à rede." (The possibilities of artistic teaching face to digital technology. Teaching Drawing. From the studio to the Net. ) 2006- Graduate at the Polytechnic University of Valencia in “Técnicas del dibuxo” 2001- Master in Digital Arts Multimedia, Catholic Universityof oporto. Title of dissertation: "O Desenho na era digital - rupturas e continuidades." ( Drawing in digital age- ruptures and continuities) 1998 - Degree in Painting by Faculdade de Belas Artes do Porto – FBAUP. 2008-2012- FCT Scholarship 2013- FLAD Scholarship
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