- Simply put, UmbigoLAB is a social network primarily focused on artists and curators, with the aim of promoting the exhibition and discussion of works and ideas and foster the visibility of practitioners of lesser known art forms, or of those at the beginning of their careers.
- It is a platform/laboratory of experimental and informal nature, which intends to be primarily focused on digital, hybrid and multimedia art, while, at the same time, looks for new ways to display art on the internet.
- Only artists and curators can publish content.
- Despite this exclusivity, which circumvents possible deviations from this project’s mission, this is a network open to all, as long as they are duly registered.
- The platform does not sell the works of artists but can create the conditions for this to happen by strengthening bonds between collectors, gallerists and artists.
- UmbigoLAB will keep the works on the platform in order to share them within the UmbigoLAB, and you can also share links on other platforms for artists’ works. UmbigoLAB also reserves the right to capture screen photographs exclusively for promotional purposes of the platform.
- UmbigoLAB is constituted by a Panel of Consultants/Advisers, comprised by artists, curators, museum directors and other renowned professionals in the field, who will legitimise, expose and disclose work of certain artists, especially the younger ones.
- The access to the publication of content by artists and curators is exclusively done by invitation, in order to ensure a quality control.
- In turn, such invitations may only be assigned by the members of the project’s direction and also by artists or curators who gain notoriety in the network.
- 4 (four) different types of members are taken into consideration: artist, curator, artist-curator and consultant.
- Only the publication of works, endeavours and exhibitions is allowed. Another type of content will be deleted.
- The works can be images, videos and/or sound and properly adapted to the digital medium.
- The members guarantee, when joining UmbigoLAB, that they hold all rights, including intellectual property rights, of the content they publish, or, in the case of the rights belonging to third parties, they have obtained the necessary authorization to publish the content in question. UmbigoLAB is not responsible for any breach of rights, including intellectual property rights, with the members establishing the commitment to compensate UmbigoLAB for any expenses and allowance incurred by UmbigoLAB, due to the infringement of third party rights, carried out by the members in question. The members also accept that UmbigoLAB will, in the case of receiving complaints from interested parties, remove the content, regarded as a violator of the rights of third parties, from the platform.
- In order to ensure a reflection, organization and weighting of subjects and materials, the upload through smartphones will not be possible. Only the use of computer is contemplated.
- Any person may view what takes place in the network, but to interact the person must be registered.
- It is possible to search artists, curators, works and exhibitions and create an archive of favourites.
- Taking into account that UmbigoLAB is, in essence, a platform for networking, contacts and dialog – a community – the exchange of messages between members is also ensured.
- The publications are bounded by an upload limit to be set, in order to not overload the server, and avoid the excess of information presented.
- The personal data of members of UmbigoLAB are treated in accordance with the legal rules on personal data protection, and in accordance with the Privacy Policy of UmbigoLAB.
- UmbigoLAB will not allow comments, texts and publications that include racist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic content or that promote violence towards animals, offensive sentences or pornographic images. All of the above content will be eliminated and the responsible user will be effectively banned.
- We believe in a default ethical standard in all of the involved in this platform, thus safeguarding the urbanity among all members.
- This project relies on the support of everyone to denounce all sorts of extremisms. A click in “denounce” will help us access the publications aforementioned. Even though we’re aware of the gray areas in which the art world operates, we ask the members to critically evaluate what is art, what is prone to be art and what is pornographic and offensive to the global communities.